Saayad” It’s a name of new unique Nepali movie which is directed by Suraj Subba. The title also cleared that it’s a regretful event. The film all about drug and how to people influence by drug in teen age? And it’s also about generation gap effect. The film started form first generation (means first batch of this school who was very serious in their studies and their future, they are discipline, they success their studies and settle their life happily).brother and sister of this bath also studies in same school but they are not serious in their studies and future. They use drugs .Drug makes them careless about their studies, makes them involve in fight, and even dare to kill their own dear ones.
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Nepali movie saayad full video,
Samyam Puri,
Wilson Bikram Rai TaakmeBudo
| Wednesday, May 23, 2012