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Love Quotes For Facebook Status 0 Comments

By Unknown

Some beautyfull and cute love facebook status Updates

  • The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart.
  • To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything.
  • Love is a fire: But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.
  • Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I have to walk past you again?
  • I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
  • Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
  • you came into my life as my friend.. and i came to realize that i love you so now you are in my heart and i   know that you will never leave.. I love you
  • wants you to know that I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I will love you more tomorrow then I do today. You have all of me…
  • when i go to sleep i think of you,when i am a sleep i dream of you and when i wake up i am smiling because you are the one that makes me happy :)
  • A real relationship has fights, tears, love, real feelings,but after each tear/fight the love & true feelings get stronger and will always last. I love you baby
  • Love doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be true. Well if your love is true then its perfect
  • When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and ask yourself if you’re happy. If the answer is no too many days in a row…It’s time to make a change.
  • a reason I know I love you, having you as a part of my life makes me think all the years until I met you were to prepare for what love really feels like.
  • When you hold me, I feel safe. When you hug me, I feel loved. When you kiss me, my heart leaps. When you tell me you love me, I melt. Baby, I Love You <3
  • love is wen the other person is willing to try,to go all distances to see you,to be with you,to love you.someone that would go 5hrs just to see you for 5minutes
  • You are my world my life and my soul, my reason for everything that I do. I love you, and I will always and forever.
  • Best friends are more than just friends. They’re sisters/brothers, not by blood, but by heart.
  • I love the way i feel around you and i hate the way i feel when your not around! I am ready for the day when i can call you mine 4ever!! <3
  • Can’t get you out of my mind, but who said I’m trying to (:
  • I have been hurt many times before, but I am offering you my heart to hold, hoping you are the one that will cherish it the most. I love you Babe!
  • I love your gorgeous eyes and the way I can look into them and find a rare treasure that no one can even dream of.
  • You know he loves you when he would do anything & everything to keep you in his life. <3
  • is in love with the only person who TRULY gets me
  • Just thinking about you, I get butterflies<3
  • If I had to chose to save the world or save you, I’d save you because I wouldn’t be able to live in a world without you in it
  • When i sleep i dream of you, when i wake i think of you, when i sing i sing to you, and when i die I’ll die loving you!
  • you are the first thought of every morning, the best thought of each day and the last thought of every night :)
  • Just a kiss on ur lips in the moonlight! Just a touch with the fire burning so bright!! It’s never felt so real with just a kiss good night! I love you!<3
  • there is someone special, someone true, someone i love, and that is you
  • you are the theme of my dream you are the cheery i am the cream
  • days may pass where i don’t talk to you or see you, but never will a day pass where i don’t think about you
  • thinking of you keeps me awake,dreaming of you keeps me asleep,be wit you keeps me alive.
  • Its true love is when a person loves you for who you are, crazy or calm, loud or quiet . If they truly love you they will stick with you forever I Love You <3
  • If you cry i cry, if you laugh i laugh, if you get ready to jump off a bridge, i will be the one holding your hand saying ” I Love You, Lets do This”
  • Still finds it amazing that out of all of the beautiful girls who are always all over you… you love me and only me :) <3
  • I was looking into ur eyes wondering if u was thinkin the same thing as me then u kissed me… great minds think alike :)
  • Love is like deer hunting, you will sit for what feels like a lifetime but one day, at the right moment it will come walking right to you.
  • You remind me of who I am, who I can be and how much love I have. For that alone makes me love you more and more.
  • We first met i didn’t mean to be your friend when we became friends i didn’t mean to like you when i liked you i didn’t mean to fall completely in love with u.
  • Baby, Being so far away from you is killing me. But knowing that one day I’ll be your arms is keeping me alive. I love you so much <3
  • You are the FIRST thing i think about before i go to sleep, and you are the FIRST thing i think about when i get up. <3
  • As I open my eyes to the warmth of the morning sun, my day starts thinking of you,
    As I close my eyes to the darkness of the night, my day ends thinking of you
  • I wish I was a camera sometimes… So I could take your picture with my mind. Put it in a frame for you to see… How beautiful you really are to me.
  • Why is it that when that special someone is far away times goes so slowly, but when they are here it goes so fast?  That is so not fair, I want you here always!
  • “Look into my heart and see what I am saying, for my heart speaks the truth and the truth is I love you
  • ya know, that awkward moment when your talking to the guy you like, then your friend just pops in and says, “you guys would make a really cute couple”
  • When you can’t see the light, I’ll sit next to you in the dark. :) Love you
  • it took me a day 2 get 2 no took me an hour 2 stop looking at took me a day 2 stop laughing with took me a moment 2 fall in love with u.
  • If kisses were raindrops,Id send u a shower. If hugs were minutes,Id send u an hour. If smiles were waves, Id send u a sea. if love was a person, Id send u me<3
  • every few seconds i click on “chat” to look for you. even though i might not talk to you, it’s nice to know you there.
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