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Nepali Movie Sayad :Review 0 Comments

By Unknown

It was a bitter start – ‘Saayad’ was released on the ‘Nepal Bandha’ day. It is currently being screendd in various theaters inside Kathmandu valley and in a few parts outside Nepal. As already discussed on our pre-review review, ‘Saayad’ is a story about the youths of plus-two, their drug indulgence and how their life changed because of drugs. The movie directed by Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’ features Sunil Rawal, Samyam Puri, Wilson Bikram Rai, and Jharana Thapa in leading roles.

The movie ‘Saayad‘ is the story of two brothers Yodin (played by Samyam Puri) and Nirag (played by Sunil Rawal). After Yodin was born, their family had earned wealth and their life became more easier so Nirag considers Yodin a luck. Yodin’s crush, Sirish, was the sister of Nirag’s crush, Samridhi. Yodin’s best friend Ved (played by Wilson Bikram Rai) introduced Yodin to drugs. Yodin and Ved’s group started taking drugs because of the problems in the family and love lives.

Latest One:Review
“Saayad” It’s a name of new unique Nepali movie which is directed by Suraj Subba. The title also cleared that it’s a regretful event. The film all about drug and how to people influence by drug in teen age? And it’s also about generation gap effect. The film started form first generation (means first batch of this school who was very serious in their studies and their future, they are discipline, they success their studies and settle their life happily).brother and sister of this bath also studies in same school but they are not serious in their studies and future. They use drugs .Drug makes them careless about their studies, makes them involve in fight, and even dare to kill their own dear ones.
The movie tickles you at times with the teary emotions, funny dialogues By Wilson Bikram Rai. Yodin (played by Samyam Puri) and Nirag (played by Sunil Rawal) are tow brother. Yodin is small brother of Nirag.He is study in collage. Yodin’s best friend Ved (played by Wilson Bikram Rai) introduced Yodin to drugs. Yodin and Ved’s group started taking drugs because of the problems in the family and love lives.They became sick with drug. Drugs caused them to neglect their study and get involved in gang fights. At last Ved and his family has killed by Yodin.Yodin’s lovely brother Nirag also has kill by Yodin friends.
At last ‘Saayad’ is one of the most awaited movies of this year and it and it won’t disappoint the audiences. Although the movie can do a good business, more was expected from Suraj Subba ‘Nalbo’. One thing is sure, this is a good Nepali movie and one will love the performance of the actors and especially Wilson Bikram Rai will surely entertain.Please i also request to all of you show this movie.
Review By:Arjun

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